A new option in the General Preferences : "Hardware Acceleration". Checked allows
a more fluide OpenGL, the memory of the graphic card becomes highly stressed. The
whole geometry of the project is stored on the card. Uncheck the option lightens the
memory of the card, resulting in a slower OpenGL display.
Glitter Effects animations fixed: during rendering of an animation the calculation of
the lighting of the current image is smoothed over several frames upstream and
downstream of it.
Crash while duplicating an animation
Duplication tool not working in 2D View
psd file format the background was not isolated on its own layer
Overexposed in the final rendering
Panoramas inspector, Postcards didn't get oriented like the current camera were
Document changed state was false if clicking Render later without changing the
rendering parameters in the render window of a modified document
Textures disapeared and re-appeared when moved on a surface
Scene parameters, the fast anchor point configuration of an anchor point didn't get
The gallery didn't get displayed in the Welcome window
Apply gravity became useless on certain projects
Some difficulties to apply Shaders
Impossible to edit the name of a not yet calculted document
Log files distinction between Artlantis and the License Manager
Some issues when reading some panoramas on certain web browsers
The alpha channel manager generated too small images
Animation flicking
Overlapped textures do not stayed grouped
Crash while opening files
Moving a plan object on da surface set this object underneath this surface