Hooya 发表于 2015-1-3 23:58:03

[补档] Goodies for ArchiCAD 18 中文

Goodies for ArchiCAD 18 CHI
Goodies are Add-Ons to ArchiCAD that are based on legacy code which Graphisoft does not support anymore. You can use it 'as is', but be warned that they might not function properly, and they will not be fixed or upgraded.
These goodies are updated for work with ArchiCAD 18 R1 (build 4020). Please make sure your ArchiCAD is the same Build-number. (To check this, open the 'License Information' screen from 'Help' menu)
After downloading the file, start this installer and follow the instructions. The add-on will be automatically loaded the next time you start ArchiCAD.
If goodie is located in the 'ArchiCAD 18/ Add-Ons' folder (or in any of its sub-folders), the ArchiCAD Hotfix installer will update the goodie tool. You do NOT have to download the goodie again after installing an ArchiCAD Hotfix.
Accessories Library is included in the Accessories and Interior Wizard installer. So you don't need to install it separately.

3D Studio In3DStudio 导入http://www.graphisoft.cn/images/rme.jpg
Check Duplicates Tool检查重复工具http://www.graphisoft.cn/images/rme.jpg
Construction Simulation 施工模拟http://www.graphisoft.cn/images/rme.jpg
Interior Wizard 室内向导http://www.graphisoft.cn/images/rme.jpg
Intersection in Combos图层组合中的交叉http://www.graphisoft.cn/images/rme.jpg
Mesh to Roof Tool网面到屋顶工具http://www.graphisoft.cn/images/rme.jpg
Polygon Counting Tool 多边形计算工具http://www.graphisoft.cn/images/rme.jpg

Graphisoft.cn至今只有 Goodies for ArchiCAD 16,无奈翻墙投靠境外站点,求得 Goodies for ArchiCAD 18 真经。
较http://bbs.bimst.com/thread-2134-1-1.html一帖,新增3D Studio In插件。

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQtNQqm 密码: jh5s

王远华 发表于 2015-1-4 00:04:54


hahahahei 发表于 2015-1-4 10:44:51


五岳规划 发表于 2015-1-4 20:13:58

不知为何比起Goodies for ArchiCAD 18 3006版少一个Ral Colour System插件?

wu6491 发表于 2015-1-4 21:07:35


简朴の收场 发表于 2015-1-6 22:28:36


shashixiaochen 发表于 2015-1-7 00:03:57

Construction Simulation安装好了,但是在哪个菜单里,怎么用

咕噜咕噜 发表于 2015-1-7 13:44:44


zgltxmzyj 发表于 2015-1-8 09:38:59


rexue1980 发表于 2015-2-7 16:01:10

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