tu8000 发表于 2013-10-15 19:02:40

ArchiCAD 16 Hotfix 5 (Build 4010)


List of bugs fixed in this Hotfix
[*]155118CRASH: The routines that addressed 3D projections were made more stable.
[*]156176CRASH: Inserting new points in wall's polygon could crash ArchiCAD.
[*]157462CRASH: In particular projects, opening the project or pasting 2D elements could cause ArchiCAD to crash.
[*]159613CRASH: Both an erroneous visible ArchiCAD Layer and its resulting crash were corrected.
[*]134515DOCUMENT: Display of Beams did not reflect the position of the Floor Plan Cut Plane below and above the Home Story.
[*]148211,162393DOCUMENT: Full layouts and sections of particular projects could become rotated. You can read more about the issue here: http://www.archicadwiki.com/Troubleshooting/RotatedLayoutsSections
[*]149979DOCUMENT: Renovation filter could change in 3D upon Hotlink Update or Copy from another project.
[*]152993DOCUMENT: If view contained fill "Insulation 01" the published PDF could not be open on MAC with Adobe Reader 11.0.01 and above.
[*]159140DOCUMENT: Zone Category was not listed in the Schedule.
[*]160332DOCUMENT: On MAC OS platforms Energy Evaluation report could not be saved in some localized version (RUS, POL). For more information read this article: http://www.archicadwiki.com/Troubleshooting/WorkaroundForSavingXlsInEnergyEvaluation
[*]156473EDIT: Changing reference line segment of a Curtain Wall from straight line to arc resulted misplaced mullions.
[*]160553EDIT: Markup Style field picked up attributes unnecessarily with every copy/paste.
[*]161862EDIT: Crash could occur when adjusting Editing plane.
[*]113951FILE/DWG/EXPORT: Dimensions superscript texts got displaced in exported DWG file.
[*]158352FILE/DWG/IMPORT: Import Blocks from DXF/DWG crashed ArchiCAD.
[*]151660FILE/IFC/DATA: IFC properties of elements could get lost after converting them to Morphs.
[*]160970A user-modifiable mapping file was created contains a set of rules formatted in xml to bring data from different fields in an ArchiCAD project into the IFC Name Attribute field. For more information please read this article: http://www.archicadwiki.com/TechTips/IFCNameAttributeMapping
[*]143209FILE/IFC/EXPORT: Openings with slanted reveal might look incorrect in IFC.
[*]147046FILE/IFC/IMPORT: Wall niche became an opening when imported into ArchiCAD.
[*]155347, 154042FILE/IFC/IMPORT: If default doors/windows anchor were not set to "Sill to Wall base" then openings imported from IFC could get vertically displaced.
[*]159286FILE/IFC/IMPORT: ArchiCAD crashed when opening particular IFC file.
[*]161453INSTALL: Hotfixing failed if the user profile under which ArchiCAD had been installed does not exist any more.
[*]162575INSTALL: Installer could not run successfully if logged in as a Domain Administrator.
[*]158077MODEL: A tube Morph wasn't solid if the beginning and ending faces overlapped.
[*]159241SPEED: Zone schedule calculations could be slow in certain cases.
[*]159753SPEED: Drawing Manager’s “check status” updates are now faster.
[*]145636TEAMWORK: common reason for "Internal Error" during open/join of a Teamwork project was corrected.
[*]157423TEAMWORK: A Server Returns Error Code error occurred occasionally when a solid element operation was performed on a hotlinked wall.
[*]159577TEAMWORK/HOTLINK: Hotlink data handling in Teamwork could be confused in certain conditions by simultaneous receives from two or more users.A new dialog warns users,when the conditions arise, that they must retry the receive command.
[*]159147TEAMWORK/SPEED: Joining into very large Teamwork projects with many linked Hotlink Modules could be slow due to processing the embedded libraries of the Hotlink Modules.
[*]154898USER INTERFACE: Floor plan window's saved zoom values could not be deleted.

Bugs fixed in optional GRAPHISOFT components:

[*]156292BIMx: On Windowsexecutable BIMx filecould crash with a user profile containing national characters in its name.


wu332 发表于 2013-10-16 07:24:48


iksvvv 发表于 2013-10-18 16:36:29


iksvvv 发表于 2013-10-18 19:59:04


h3tyklomui 发表于 2014-9-2 12:31:44

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xiaohui 发表于 2014-9-22 22:07:26

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草木鱼 发表于 2015-7-6 21:23:50

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查看完整版本: ArchiCAD 16 Hotfix 5 (Build 4010)