5014升级到5100解决问题: 187800 TEAMWORK: Force leaving users out from projects using the webinterface
caused users to be be temporarily missing from the Teamwork palette and theirreservations invisible by others.
187796 TEAMWORK: Deleting project from the server caused users to be betemporarily missing from the Teamwork palette
and their reservations invisible by others, TW messages to be lost and deletedproject still present as a greyed out item.
187897 DOCUMENT: In HUN language version of ArchiCAD the default font of the Text, Label, Dimension,
Level dimension tools became missing and the font could be temporarily shownmissing during Text Editing.
其他压缩包链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kTwxI3l 密码: xgbw